
Found her calling

Date of news/blog: 7th May 2024

Daisy O’Donnell knew she had found her calling as a carer when one of the ladies at Brockington House specifically asked for her to accompany her to the funeral of her husband.

Daisy had forged a lovely bond with the lady and her husband, who both lived at Brockington.

She says: “I loved caring for them so after he sadly died, she asked if I would push her wheelchair into the church and sit with her during the service.

“Her daughter told me that I was now part of the family, and it made me so proud knowing she wanted me alongside her during the service and she held my hand the entire time.”

Daisy first had an inkling that she may work in care when she helped look after her grandmother who moved in with the family following a fall. Her Nan was a Nightingale Nurse, and her mum is a Nursery Nurse, so caring definitely runs in the family.

After leaving school, Daisy then worked in a clinic which gave covid vaccinations, looking after the people receiving the injections.

She joined Brockington House as a carer in 2022 and hasn’t looked back since.

“It was nerve-wracking at first, especially when I gave my first shower and wash, but I absolutely love working here,” she says.

“It’s a lovely home with lovely people and I have learned so much in such a short space of time.”

Daisy is currently learning how to drive and after this she hopes to begin her Level 3 in Health and Social Care.

She adds: “If you are shy like I am, working somewhere like this certainly boosts your confidence.

“Our ladies and gents love chatting to people and it becomes so easy talking to them and listening to the stories about their life or what they did at the weekend.”

Outside of work, Daisy enjoys looking after her four dogs and a cat.


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