BBC Countryfile presenter joins Dorset care home on charity ramble
Date of event: 26th October 2018S taff and residents of Pine Martin Grange luxury residential and dementia care home in Wareham, Dorset, were joined by BBC Countryfile presenter, Tom Heap, on their charity ramble over the weekend.
Heap interviewed people along the 2-mile Sunday stroll through Upton Country Park, Poole, which was filmed for a forthcoming episode of the popular programme.
The route, negotiated by residents – some as old as 94 – was mapped out and tested by staff and some of those living at Pine Martin Grange ahead of the event, to make sure it was suitable for some members of the group in wheelchairs.
Part of this year’s Countryfile Ramble for BBC Children in Need, the walk was one of many across the UK, aimed at encouraging people of all ages and abilities to go on their own rambles to help raise money for the charity.
Lorrain Puckett, who is family liaison manager at the Dormy Care Communities home, said the event was a great success on many levels.
“We encourage residents to keep active and it was a lovely day in beautiful surroundings,” said Pine Martin Grange’s family liaison manager, Lorrain Puckett.“The residents and staff thoroughly enjoyed it. Having the TV cameras there just added to what was a great afternoon.“Tom Heap was very engaging and made a fuss of everyone and it was wonderful to have him join us on the walk.
“We’re looking forward to seeing the programme when it comes out.”
For more information on Pine Martin Grange please visit: