
Amazing mountains

Date of news/blog: 8th May 2024

From her bedroom at Foxhunters, Vera Connolly can look out at the amazing mountains she used to enjoy walking on when she was younger.

And she also likes to see all the comings and goings at the nearby household waste recycling centre, so there’s always an ever-changing landscape.

And then there’s always the lovely Foxhunters garden for Vera to enjoy, in fact she has been known to instruct our gardener Alan on occasion!

Vera says: “I like sitting in my room and watching the world go by and I have always had a passion for gardening, so it’s perfect for me.

During her working life, Vera was a nurse and midwife, but spent most of her career working in mental health services.

Her daughter Sian says: “She went back to college and became a social worker and ran a mental health day centre for several years.”

Vera was married to Francis who was in the air force during the war and worked for British Steel for most of his working life.

Francis was a navigator and actually ended up accepting the surrender of Japanese soldiers they encountered during the liberation of Burma.

The couple had four children and Vera is now grandmother to six and a great grandmother to seven!

Vera initially came to Foxhunters on respite before eventually deciding to make this her home.

Sian says: “After visiting Foxhunters it was clear it was a cut above the rest and there was no competition.

“The atmosphere in the home is lovely, the staff are fantastic, and mum has a nice room looking out to the mountains and the recycling centre!

“Ultimately we just wanted the best for her, and that’s what she has at Foxhunters.”

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